After a number of experiments on my Biel Tan themed Eldar, I finally settled on a method to paint them. The far left model was my first attempt and was simply a basecoat of white. Looked too clean.
Second was a light grey basecoast followed by some white lining - took too long and still too clean.
The third attempt was a white prime, followed by a grey wash, with gradually whiter highlights. I saved pure white for the faceplate and 'gems'. I think we have a winner. White but not pristine:

Next up is an Orc update. I've had my models and even completed list ready for some time, they just took a back seat. I can say after painting Elves for so long, it was a nice change of pace to use different colors and shapes. It's turning out pretty good so far although I'm still not sure of the yellow grass...too bright? Maybe brighter is better?

That'll do it for '08. Looking forward to a productive '09. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!