Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bring it on!!!

'Unkredible 'Ulks iz in da' House! My FLGS is hosting a Bloodbowl this league that has a whopping 16 players! We'll see who's left standing when the dust settles!

Bonus points given to those with completely painted teams at season open. I will need every free point I can get!


Anonymous said...

Two posts in one day. Nice! :) You will have to show me how you take such clear pictures.

Very nice looking orcs! I really like using yellow as the main team color. Looks good against the green skin.

Good Luck against Cal and remeber to just try and injury his little skinks!!

TrekkerYu said...

I realized yesterday these are Green Bay colors (boo!). Not intentional!!

Good tip on the Skinks - although I tried the same on your Skaven with no success. I cracked a lot of your armor but the injury rolls were pretty weak.