Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ard Boyz. Blah.

So today was the WHF Ard Boyz tourney over at the bunker. I was tabled on game 1 - not playing a smart game at all, with some amazingly bad rolls. Cool opponent though - that group drove the 11 hours from Maryland!

I left after that game*, not having a chance to place and my leaving wouldn't adversely affect the other games. The plus side is I met a lot of cool folks I've only known by screen names or by podcast voices (Joe & Chuck over at the Waaaghcast). Also saw some regulars there, either playing or just hanging out.

In the end, I realized super competitive events like this are not for me. Thinking back to other tournaments, it's typically the soft scores I do better in (sportsmanship, appearance) versus battle and objective points. John over at Plastic Legions does a good job of dissecting the topic.

Unfortunateley I had to miss both Core Comp and a local 1500 tournament in order to attend Ard Boyz, both of which are consistently fun times. But now I know - the whole Ard Boyz experience has been nothing if not educational!

*leaving early allowed my to take my wife to see New Moon - she was a little annoyed I was going to bail on my getting stomped worked out in that respect. Too bad the movie was less than stellar.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Too much gaming, not enough time!

With our kids getting older in age, I'm finally able to go out and do some more gaming. I'll never be able to get the amount I'd like, but still a decent amount.

I'm currently wrapping up a Bloodbowl league at the local game store - man is it fun! Playoffs should be announced soon, and if I'm lucky I'll make it in! I can't rely on any other Chicago sports team to excel so I'm taking matters into my own hands!

Also coming up is the 'Ard Boyz Finals tournament held at the Chicago Battle Bunker. The winners from across the country will be there, and one of the local Adepticon Tourney organizers will be running it, so it should be a good time. I plan on fielding a completely painted 3,000 point army.

Also, my buddy Steve is running a UK Masters style WHF tournament at Games Plus in December. I'm very much looking forward to this, as Games Plus - for whatever reason - doesn't have much of a Warhammer following. Time to change that! From the looks of registration, there should be some new faces there. This will also be a good time to run some 2250 O&G goodness. I was plannning on Orcs for the upcoming Core Competency Tournament but the wife would kill me for being gone so many weekends. Have to pick my spots...

Lastly, we have the annual 'Nerd Night' coming up. This is just a night of board games/card games with sci-fi action movies playing in the background. It's an annual event (every Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving) and is a great time.

All in all, a great time for gaming. Now only if my wife would stop talking about a third kid. Argh! Better get in all the gaming while I can!!!