Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring update. With grass!

Happy Spring! I'm in the closing stages, having painted all base coats. Just details and extras left over like adding grass to bases:

Here's a shot of the 1k army. I even have a display board (just the board!) large enough to hold my Orcs and my buddy's Skaven.

And to test my painting ambition even more, here's a shot of my target 1500 list for the next UGG tournament, probably in late April:

Would just need to paint:
- 1 troll
- 1 chariot (half done)
- 20 Night Goblins
- 3 fanatics
- possibly 1 Orc Shaman depending on my exact list

It wouldn't be necessarily competitive (no shooting, no magic) but would be painted and hopefully fun to play.

I've also added some tidbits to the blog, including an ongoing win/loss record (thanks for all the losses Steve!) and a 09 painting/purchase Pledge.


Anonymous said...

Nice updates! I like the grass on the models. Are you planning on putting it on all your Orcs & Goblin models? I couldn't see any on the spider riders. ...maybe I am just blind.

Looking forward to you seeing you pledge count and W/L record grow to! You already have been great progress this year!

gmarksthespot said...

Wow dude your army rocks! Love the grass too.

So assuming you get your 1500pt army done for the coming tourney, will your Eldar be next on the to-do-list?

TrekkerYu said...

@oden - yeah there's grass on the spiders but I didn't put too much...

@gmark - Eldar are on the list. I'll probably take a break after A-con and the UGG RTT.