Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adeption 2009 - that's a wrap.

WHEW! So Adepticon 2009 has come and gone. Had a great time - didn't fare too well in the singles competition. Lot of super-competitive lists this year. Typically Adepticon has been more about fluffy lists than competitive. Someone attributed the change to the lack of Grand Tournaments this year. Makes sense.

Here's my teammate and I assembled ready to roll! Mark really pulled through in the end in terms of painting. For a slow painter, he accomplished a ton!

Our first team game; slaves look across the field to waiting demons.

Can slaves stand up to a block of 8 Blood Knights with a Lord?

Unfortunately no.

In the meantime Orcs make their way upfield.


I didn't take any pics in our second game, but got some good shots of game three:

Staring eachother down...

Wave upon wave of rats!

Demon Bloodletters outflanked and outnumbered - swarmed by vermin!

This was just a ridiculous 14' long model of an Ork spaceship. The amount of detail was awesome. Now, to build a fleet of these...


Anonymous said...

Very nice wrap up!

So, the question now is... What are you working on painting next?! :)

TrekkerYu said...

Don't worry, I have plenty in the qeue! 1 Chariot, an Orc Shaman, and touching up a block of Boyz and I'll be ready with 1500 for the next UGG!